Este fim-de-semana foi prolongado e fomos até Amesterdão celebrar os 80 anos da minha sogra. (Brevemente trago-vos imagens da festa que foi organizada pela filha e que foi um sucesso)
Entretanto, chama-me sempre a atenção o que de diferente vai aparecendo no mercado e não podia deixar de vos mostrar uma ida ao supermercado (o Continente lá do sítio), onde foi inaugurado recentemente um espaço para ervas aromáticas, em canteiros, em que o cliente corta apenas o que precisa.
This weekend was long and we went to Amsterdam to celebrate the 80th anniversary of my mother in law. (Soon I bring you pictures of the party that was organized by her daughter and it was a success)
In the meantime, my attention is always drawn to the different aspects of the market and I can not fail to show you a trip to the supermarket, where a space for aromatic herbs has been recently opened in vases, where the client cuts only what he needs.
This weekend was long and we went to Amsterdam to celebrate the 80th anniversary of my mother in law. (Soon I bring you pictures of the party that was organized by her daughter and it was a success)
In the meantime, my attention is always drawn to the different aspects of the market and I can not fail to show you a trip to the supermarket, where a space for aromatic herbs has been recently opened in vases, where the client cuts only what he needs.
Também o azeite partilha o mesmo conceito, o cliente decide a quantidade que precisa, fazendo lembrar as velhas mercearias:
Also the olive oil shares the same concept, the clients decides the amount he needs, reminding the old grocery stores:
Also the olive oil shares the same concept, the clients decides the amount he needs, reminding the old grocery stores:
O mesmo com o café: / The same with the coffee:
E com pepitas de chocolate (nós não temos este culto, mas na Holanda serve-se pão barrado com manteiga e polvilhado com pepitas de chocolate, como podem ver, de todos os tamanhos e feitios)
And with chocolate nuggets (we do not have this service, but in the Netherlands we use bread with butter and sprinkled with chocolate nuggets, as you can see, of all sizes and shapes)
And with chocolate nuggets (we do not have this service, but in the Netherlands we use bread with butter and sprinkled with chocolate nuggets, as you can see, of all sizes and shapes)
Temos ciclames de cores pasteis: / We have pastel-colored cyclamen:
E muitas iluminações de Natal para o exterior: / And many Christmas illumination for the outside:
As aldeias de Natal são um mundo: / The Christmas villages are a world:
Até amanhã! / See you tomorrow!
Maria Teresa Martins
( Paixão pelo que é bonito )
( Paixão pelo que é bonito )
Muito obrigada pelos vossos comentários
Olhem o meu sorriso ao lê-los...:) :) :)
Que maravilha, Teresa, costumes do Norte! ficaria louca nessa secção de ervas! beijinho